Check out the PC Version rather than this one.

User Rating: 6.1 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 PS2
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield is a mouthful so I am going to call it RS. Raven Shield was a hit on the PC thanks to it's smooth flowing action and tactics in game. The maps range from Large to small with enemies in different spots each time you play through. This adds to the replayability, I played through it about twice, once on the PC and once I on the PS2 Equilavalent. This is a port from the PC version and a lot is lost because of the port and I would check out the PC version rather than this. With it's advanced tactics and teamplay Raven Shield set a standard for future Team-Based FPS games. The only fault I can see in RS is the A.I. that can be frustrating when they aren't even looking at you and down you or your team. Raven Shield is definately an old school hit that any fan of the genre should get.