Ultimate tactical FPS!

User Rating: 9.7 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 XBOX
Another huge hit from the world of Tom Clancy who released the excellent ghost recon! Rainbow six puts you in the camo suit of a captain leading his squad into the most dangerous missions that include bomb diffusals, hostage rescues and eliminate terrorist threats! The game has many options like open,frag and clear and clear area and what not. There is also the tactical Zulu go code which allows you to access two rooms at once tactically withought having your team up your backside! What makes the game more entertaining... and thats the excellent radio headset. Contact your teamates in the game instead of having to access the bloody command options when you can verbally issue commands. So instead of having to search for "open, frag and clear on zulu go code" you can just shout it at them. If you are not afraid of acting in front of people you do look like a bit of an arse as sometimes you have to repeatedly say orders so they understand it. Though the gmae is pretty decent in graphics, sound and gameplay!

overall its excellent for the serious gamer!