Suitable for ages 3-10 only...

User Rating: 1.5 | Tom Clancy's HAWX PC
The Pros - Well presented...

The Cons - Generic, unoriginal, uninvolving, incredibly simple, entirely unrelated to flight simulation, tedious, just 'click a button' action.

This game is terrible, there is no satisfaction or realism whatsoever to flying the plane, the combat is about as pitiful as you can get, click a button...literally that is a button again...eurgh...

I thought games this arcady were left in the 90s, I didn't imagine anyone could make a game this babyish again. I suppose there must be a market for it though.

If you expect to play anything resembling a flight simulator or anything even remotely resembling realistic flight combat stay well clear of this game. It is like a cartoon of nonsense.

I would have more fun playing 'solitaire' than this game.

If you consider clicking a button repeatedly immersive and entertaning then I suggest you buy this game. If you aren't completely braindead I suggest you stay away from it at all costs.