A review catered for Doom or Quake lovers who fancied a little change to their trigger-happy gaming style.

User Rating: 7.5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon PC
This is not your trigger-happy shooters like Painkiller or Quake, even the Medal of Honor series is a no-brainer at times. If you haven't played shooters like Swat or Rainbow Six before, Ghost Recon might be a good intro game to the tactical shooter genre. The reality of it kicks in when you have to decide what kind of team to have for diverse objectives like explosive engineering, sniping, or heavy arms support, which games like Doom and the MoH series wraps them up with a super main character. It is until I played Ghost Recon that I slowly appreciate why in the world you need teams of soldiers rather than a solo dude for the Gulf War. The realism of solving objectives in Ghost Recon via careful planning and multi-tasking becomes the charm instead.

Of course, when I mean it is a good intro to tactic shooters is because of its relative lower complexity than the Rainbow Six series in terms of team and resource management. The two-character based theme in this game serves very well in introducing what it's like managing a team without being too taxing on your micro-management skills.

Maybe you thought it would be a sissy thing, but the limitations of your characters' abilities and its close reflection to real world operations bring a whole new depth to your gaming senses.
