User Rating: 8.9 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon PC
Let me start off by saying that this is one game that no self respecting Tom Clancy fan should do without. Ghost Recon is both challenging and addictive. I generally play through single player games once and then put them is my CD cabinet to sit and gather dust. With Ghost Recon, I have found myself playing through the levels multiple times even after successful completion just to see if there is a better way to finish the mission. The only annoyance that I found was in the friendly AI (which I think should stand for Anti Intelligence). There were multiple times where one of my squad would walk in front of me when I was shooting, or just remain in one spot when the rest of the squad would move on to another part of the map. After I figured out how to overcome that minor setback in the game, I had nothing but fun. With surprises and challenges around every corner, It is hard not to highly recommend this title to anyone who enjoys a good tactical shooter. -Traveler