Ghost Recon evolves into what its predecessor always wanted to be despite a few bumps along the way.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter X360
Ghost recon advanced warfighter is the first ghost recon game on the the xbox 360 and as a launch title it certainly does the series justice.

Gameplay: G.R.A.W feels a lot like the gameplay in ghost recon 2 but a more over the shoulder style view, but the biggest change to the gameplay is the cross-com system. This is possibly the best thing they put into the game, because the cross com gives you a virtual HUD and has many useful aspects, one being that it highlights enemies for you and also give you objectives, a mini map and also weapon status. This system is crucial to your sucess because it is so helpful, mainly because in GRAW you fight a LOT of enemies at one time, these include tanks and infantry so you can imagine how heated and intense the battles can get. This also leads onto your arsenal, becuase you are just a four man squad against hundreds of enemies you also get some extremely cool guns at your disposal, weapons that look extremely futuristic are yours to use at will and a variation of most types of each weapon make having a fovorite impossible for each situation. Each weapon is also balanced very well, for example if you want a rifle with a grenade launcher you will be better against light vehicles and groups of infantry but you will lose the ability to have a scope, and vice versa, these changes make the game feel better becuase you dont have over the top firepower but you have a distinct advantage over the standard AK-47 your enemies usually have. But because your weapons are above average the same cannot be said for your health bar, prepare to die a lot in GRAW for things like silly mistakes, anyone who is used to going rambo will probably give up way before the game picks up, but this slow approach shouldnt steer you away because the action is rewarding and intense, trust me its some of the best fire fights you will ever experience, dirt lying in your face and bullet spraying everywhere with explosions going off everywhere, it truly is warfare. Then comes one of the games biggest problems, your AI controlled team mates are a bit too dumb for their own good, sometimes they get mown down by one enemy stading in the open that they could've killed easily and sometimes they just stand there in a fight when you told them to get into cover, this is the only real problem with GRAW except for the fact that sometimes it feels a bit too difficult and sometimes feels extremely cheap, this is the exact opposite of what a launch title should do but apart from these factors its a solid game.

Graphics: GRAW to be honest looks stunning, it really shows what the xbox 360 can do and that is what a launch title should do, everything seems perfect, the scenary, the animation its all perfect except for the enemy soldier who seem to have a bout 5 variations then you notice you've killed the same guy a lot of times. Still the framerate is solid even with the collosal battles with huge forces fighting on each side with dirt flying everywhere makes the game even better.

Multiplayer: with a huge amount of options and xbox live open for business GRAW certainly is worth picking up on multiplayer value, the game is a lot faster and team games are a true blast because communication is vital making you use that new headset.

Conclusion: GRAW is a brilliant launch title and is also a great game in general, while the difficulty can be rediculous at times and the AI as odd as the former it still is a great excuse to go out and buy this game for its brilliant gameplay, graphics and multiplayer.