A squad of special needs forces

User Rating: 5.5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter X360
I haven't tried the multi-player (which I will assume can only be far better), but the single player will try your patience like few other games. The companion squad mechanics, AI, and their capabilities are simply broken. For a game that positions itself as a tactical simulator of sorts, GRAW is a horrible mess that will leave you cursing at the shocking stupidity of your squad mates and constantly scratching your head at the bizarre alternate universe that attempts to conjure a pretend reality. I'm shocked that anyone would find this game fun or even playable for more than a few select moments. To date, I've played nine of the missions (which is most of the game according to the achievement list, but I'm not sure I can stomach the rest of the campaign (and I'm quite the stickler about finishing every game I start).

Although one of the missions was enjoyable - the one without squad mates or any other "assets", all of the others were merely exercises in varying degrees of aggravation. If the challenge were in the tests of singular shooting/movement skills or even the additional merits of a functioning tactical extension to the game, I'd be singing praises, but the challenge is in a far worse place - fighting the game mechanics in the tactical elements. Squad mates, even when told to stay put in 'recon' mode, frequently wander out into blistering fire zones and get themselves torn up. This, of course, puts you in the awkward position of having to either come to their aid or write them off. Since I told those f-ers to stay put on numerous occasions and they didn't bother to listen, I let 'em go sometimes just out of spite.

In addition to the three squad stooges, there's the issue of bizarro world simulation. I'm sorry, but an M2A2 Bradley that opens up with all armaments (chain gun and MG) on a single infantryman (no other threats) who is outside of any cover, in upright position, with only an assault rifle, and less than 50 yards away, I'd expect the Bradley to make quick work (like maybe 2-3 seconds) of the nuisance. One of the most laughable moments in any game I've ever seen - this "duel" took about 30 seconds for the Bradley to finally land the shot that disabled the dude. The squad stooges were in some ways even more laughable, but I came to expect it from them almost from the outset. They rarely followed orders, frequently ran into direct fire, or (perhaps most oddly) would not return fire from some positions even though they were getting torn up and could have done something about it.

GRAW doesn't sell itself as a shooter, so it's hard to complain that the shooting mechanics are mediocre. They're decent and serviceable, but you'd go right past this game if you were looking for a shooting experience. But GRAW IS selling itself as a somewhat comprehensive tactical experience, and I'm really unimpressed and disappointed on that level. It might have been better if the squad were the actual Three Stooges. At least we'd get the fullness of the comic relief.