play with a headset

User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's EndWar X360
the voice command system works really well with this game and makes u feel that you are in charge of an army... the divisions of europe, usa, and russia has a good feel to the combat and the rock paper scissors type gameplay of tanks, helicopters, transports, and units to spice up the game... the game online is fun, offline it feels like a tutorial without a real story, but is still fun by getting territories in the game... the game has excellent sound from radio chatter to bullets whizing past u... the game is fun and i think anyone could play this game and it has to be on the top of the tom clancy games due to its innovative substance, gameplay, cutscenes, and fun factor.. I had a blast with this game so go out and buy it its only 40 dollars anyway......... It's a game worth playing with all of your friends and to show off due to the voice chatter and is semi-realistic... I just wish it had a better story instead of go here blow up these dudes and stuff like that...