Very lazy game developers have presented a game which lacks fluid gameplay and has many faults frustrating play

User Rating: 4.5 | Tom Clancy's EndWar PC
Firstup you will be lucky if the voice commands are recognised even with quality mic
camera view is either tied to a unit or location giving only line of sight
the game physis are laughable with tanks passing through walls but infantry not
graphics are ordainary ..

just set your units up in positions and order them fire on enemy whilst you have the freedom to go make a coffee cause there is no gameplay, tactics or strategy required with this game

missions are so repetitive and bland im sure you could train a monkey to play this game

its such a shame cause this game had the makings of ball-tearer of a game .. but the developers stood back and literally threw this game together and put zero effort into making run on a PC
even at half the asking price it will have you wishing you had not wasted money on this looser there is far too much competition from good PC games out there to even bother giving a 2nd thought to Endwar ...
Edit: another ten hours and its still disappointing but less so ...