Just rent this game. Tom Clancy should have stuck to FPS games. The camera is annoying and I am thoroughly disappointed.

User Rating: 5.5 | Tom Clancy's EndWar X360
Just rent this game if anything. The training mode is extremely boring when it starts. The actual game isn't too great itself. The units are pretty retarded in what they do. The camera is god-awful...I believe if they had done a traditional rts style camera..ala Age of Empires. etc this game would have been so much better.

The other main problem with this camera is that you really can't pan out at all. I understand that you can play some tricks with the UAV (according to a friend) but normally just to be able to pan out far enough to be able to see several units at once is quite literally impossible. You can zoom in on a far away unit but that really is about it.

In terms of actual gameplay the controls are a little iffy..I like the idea of voice recognition but even that has its flaws...I used the wireless headset and whenever I would tell a unit to move to Foxtrot they would stand still as if given an order to do so..So then I would have to manually get them to move. I like the idea of the theatre of war and the Forza-esque garage for upgrading veterans, that is probably the only thing besides the graphics that I generally liked alot.

One upside I will give to this game is that the graphics are amazing...You can easily tell which units and which factions are which.

Graphics- A

Control- C...With or without microphone

Game Overall- C-