Endwar is a strong RTS, but it is held back by some flaws.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's EndWar X360
Endwar is the newest RTT (Real-Time-Tactics) from famed author Tom Clancy, but does this RTS hold its place in the Console world? Absolutely, it really does fit in the console world, which is a rare thing to say about a console RTT, but there are some annoying camera issues and visual issues that I have experienced that really keep this game from achieving a 9 in my books.

Lets get this out of the way, the singleplayer is pretty bad in regards to gameplay, the singleplayer really keeps this game from showcasing its true potential, its a really boring campaign, especially in the demo level, the kennedy space center where your fighting off a "Hellish attack" which consisted of 3 apc squads, and 1 tank squad, wow... that was one hell of a battle.

The gameplay is fantastic on a console, your held at a third person perspective, but this is where I found some problems of my own, while its great for a console RTT, if you are a pc RTT fan, your going to have some trouble with the camera, since you do have limited vision of the battle field, I personally think it would be better if they did a world in conflict camera style gameplay, but its fine once you get the hang of it.

You do control a persistent battallion, you control many types of units, gunships, tanks, apc's, riflemen, engineers, artillery, and command vehicles, you carrying them through one mission, and you get experiece for each specific unit, now if you keep that unit in one piece during all the campaign missions, you do get experiece levels for that one unit (goes right up to level 6 I heard, still not there :() making that one specific unit very effective in battle, loose that unit, he won't come back. One thing I would like to point out is that this game is alot like Ground Control, with persistant units that keep garnering experience that make them far more effective in battle.

In each mission, you earn command points, these can be used to buy upgrades for each unit in your battallion, buying railguns for your apc's, or aa guns for the tanks, its a useful feature, and for the riflemen, they can be turned into a sniper team if you upgrade them to which they are equiped with snipers.

Lets talk about the factions you can be, your in WWIII so there are 3 superpowers going at it, the Russian's, the Americans, and the Europeans (where's Japan? Canada? or South America?) the Russians are the heavy armored and armed units in the battle field, relying heavily on there Superior firepower to see through to victory, pretty well running into the thick of it and destroying as much as possible, the Americans are pretty well Hit-Run units, with less armor than there Russian Counter-Parts, and Less of a technological advantage over there European counter parts, they compensate for there precise punch attacks, the European rely on there electronic warfare, and advantages in Urban Warfare.

The Skirmish is really the best part about Endwar, the gameplay is really standout here, its alot like World in Conflict, where you have to capture points on a map, but the twist is that when you link all the nodes up, defcon one initiates, meaning one side can retaliate with a WMD on the winning team, but the winning team may do the exact same thing to you, Assault is deathmatch pretty well, go in, eliminate everything, get out, Raid is the standard attack defend variant, and Siege, which is played on capital city levels, is another variant of attack and defend, but the twist is that the defending team must defend a key strategic point for 10 minutes without reinforcements, WMD's, or off map support, forcing them to fight to the last man.

The Multiplayer itself is broken down to a MMORTT, where all sides are pitted against each other to take over the world, I never really got into this because I was stuck mainly playing skirmish, or private matches, but its definately an interesting idea since this sort of thing hasn't been done before on a console, or at least not yet.

The Graphics do very well, using the Unreal 3 Engine, the draw distance is the star of the show really though, you do get to see a good deal of the battlefield, and as you could see, it looks beautiful, but when you get to the thick of battle, thats when the engine starts to really take shift, the particle effects, the battle, it all looks fantastic, the only problem, there was some noticable slow-down and some points in time, and there was some texture pop-in, but either way, great looking game.

The sound is great to, maybe not the voice acting, but its still great to see Tank guns rumble after firing, or your marines chatting in the thick of battle, Rockets have a nice woosh to them, tanks rumble with a commanding attitude, it just sounds great, and every unit in your battalion sounds completely different, so you don't get that idea of recycled dialogue in the game.

Bottom line, if you haven't gotten into RTT's on a console already, you should definately try EndWar, it is the best console game out at the moment.