Tokyo Beat Down is one cop action game that deserves maybe a rented playthrough, it may seem fun, but gets old real fast

User Rating: 6 | Yajuu Keiji: Tokyo Douji Tahatsu Terror o Chinatsu Seyo! DS
Tokyo Beat Down is a cop beat-em-up set in Tokyo and you play as many characters, unlockables though, and you must travel through-out Tokyo to destroy enemy forces. The beat up action is good for about the first three levels, then gets old, guns can be found, such as a basic six-shooter to the military MP5. sometimes enemies come out too much and you end up having to die because of the many enemy spawning, which is a huge flaw in the game...
Unlockables are mostly new campaigns, and there is a hard mode to be unlocked as well. Tokyo Beat down is not based on any cop show or anything, just it's own thing. This may seem like an okay game with fresh graphics that are outstanding for the DS. You are mostly using buttons on this DS fighter, except when you need your gun or navigating the menu. There is a co-op optiowhere one plays as their favorite character and the other the same thing, the campaign is the same though...
So Tokyo beat Down is an alright beat-em-up game, but caters to the lower audience, more better to rent this than buying it for $30...