Toca 3, what it compramises in "realism" it makes up for in gameplay.

User Rating: 8.4 | TOCA Race Driver 3 PS2
Ok first things first I'm all for a realistic racing simulation and a shed load of cars. But for the most part i feel games like Gran Turismo leave me a little cold. Yes it offers a realistic driving experience. It offers a vast arsanal of cars to choose from and replay value. But when i make a mistake on track i want to be punished and see my car smashed up, not just get a slightly blurred screen for a couole of seconds. Whats more, i want to race against more than 6 other cars.

Thats where Toca 3 comes into the equation. Whilst graphically not as impressive as the likes of project gotham racing and gran turismo it is a hell of a lot more fun to play. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for stunning on screen visuals but in terms of a good game graphics come a distant second to gameplay and storyline, for me anyway. While Toca does'nt have much of a story line (it doesn't need one, it's a racing game) it offers some excellent gameplay. Thats not to say that visually Toca is substandard, it still has great looking tracks and veicles, it just doesn't meet the standard of the Gran turismos and project gothams.

Sound, ok i wont talk about this much. its not bad but i dont enjoy the menu music, although thankfully you dont spend much time on the menus. on the other hand engine effects and bumping into other car sounds all seem to be in check. In terms of gameplay though the game truely excells. Not only are there a large variety of cars but they are all relatively enjoyable to race in. While i personally think touring cars are the best, as it offers close racing on the harder difficulties, there is also enjoyment to be had with off road cars, formula ford cars and even MONSTER TRUCKS. However they all feel good on track. that is to say that each type of car feel satisfying to drive, once you get the hang of it. There are also plenty of tracks to choose from, each one is well animated and there are no glitches.
the only real problem i have with gameplay is that the penalties are very harsh. while fair in theory they seem to be given against you all to often. the no cutting corners seems fair, to stop cheating. however if you so much as have one wheel go off track in some instances that is enough for a penalty. However all in all Toca 3 is a well balanced good looking game that appeals to gameplay rather than graphics, while still looing good. i personally think its the best racing seris out there simply becuase you do get smashed up if you make a mistake. (this excludes the likes of burnout which is more arcadey, as its not a simulation type game, but burnout 4 is lame compared to 3).