A varied and ejoyable racing game. Hats off to Codemasters for the direction they've taken this title!

User Rating: 9.2 | TOCA Race Driver 2: The Ultimate Racing Simulator PC
The first Pro Race Driver (Xbox) was a good but not great game. But it wasn't even good enough for me to play it all the way through. I bought TOCA for the PC and was enjoying it thorougly when the PS2 version was announced. I stopped playing the PC game and preordered the PS2 version, which should be available in about a week or so. Whereas the original game was only good, this one is quite a bit better than that. The graphics are fantastic, the controls are spot on, and the varied racing really hits the spot. You're racing trucks one minute and Forumla Fords the next, and that's really what makes the game so compelling. I'm looking forward to the PS2 game and will post a review of it once I put in sufficient time. Gord_Mose