Not enough to challenge WWE.

User Rating: 5.5 | TNA iMPACT! X360
TNA's first game has not reached the standards i expected. The Graphics are brilliant and so is the commentary. But the wrestling itself is a let down as it is unrealistic. For example: When you do a move off the top turnbuckle and when you are in midair your opponent throws a punch/kick and you are randomly down on the floor. The create feature is very limited as is the story mode. You only have to go through it once and everything is unlocked which makes the game not very challenging. The online is very slow and it is rare nowdays to find one person online playing. So if you want a good wrestling game i suggest a Smackdown vs RAW game. There is always someone online waiting in a lobby the create tools are limitless and you will get a huge selection of Superstars, Divas and Legends. There are numerous different game modes: Exibition, Story mode, PPV mode, Tournament mode,
Road To Wrestlemania (2009) etc.