Rented it, now I want my $5 back.

User Rating: 5.5 | TNA iMPACT! X360
Before I banter on about the crappiness that is TNA Impact I must say that this is definitely graphically superior to any WWE game I've played, and the Ultimate X challenge was very fun and I enjoyed kicking ass with Kurt Angle again without having to create him. Of coarse that's no reason to lift this game up on a pedestal.

The game generally sucks. 25 suoerstars is just not enough. TNA has a roster of 37 Superstars and 15 Knock-Outs, and they give us 25 people to choose from? Now I realize that playing as Divas on the WWE game isn't the most fun thing to do but I gotta tell ya my ex-girlfriend loves trying to take me on with Mickie James even when I was Triple H or Kennedy. She couldn't stand not being a Knock-Out on TNA and I couldn't stand using anyone. If Midway wants into the wrestling game business they have a looooooooong way to go. THQ has been the only wrestling game maker for a reason, they're the best. They saw their mistakes in 2008 and fixed all of them this year. There's even an all too important patch coming out that fixes the CAW stats problem. THQ knows how to please the fans. THQ is awesome like Triple H and Midway is as useless as Gay Lethal that Randy Savage wanna be that needs to get fired.