Good game, but got boring quick.

User Rating: 7 | Titanfall XONE

While this was hailed as the COD killer by many others, I don't think its a killer. If they could have got a GOOD single player campaign then YA this would have been great, but the fact its pretty much another multiplayer experience with some transmissions thrown in makes this boring. Honestly I don't even know what the campaign was about other than militia and some rebels or something. Its a fun game to play, but there are almost no tactics to the game, you can run off and kill everyone by yourself, take objectives, and even play peek-a-boo and kill some titans, no "team" aspect to it at all. Even in COD there are team aspects to holding objectives. I picked this game up from game fly, first game I got into I went 12-3, I don't think I ever went negative, and my K-D was usually around a 2, this game is simple, and easy for those lone wolf shooters. this game is a 7, 7.5 AT BEST! but NOT a 9 or a 10 like many others have given it.