Great visuals, locations. But it has all let down due to the early unfinish release and still unbalance skill systems.

User Rating: 8.3 | Titan Quest PC
The Good

First of all, this game looks great. Greece really feels like Greece and China feels like China. Unlike Diablo in which all the locations looks and feels much the same. In TQ, playing at different locations could almost make you feel like it was a expansion. Fighting on the Great Wall or Pharaohs tombs are awesome.

The skill tree in this game is nothing innovative, but the way it offer in this one is pretty generous, which mean its pretty good. Unlike Diablo 2, every level up gives you one skill point, in TQ it gives you 3 points and also let you choose two completely different skills. Which this would offer some very interesting experiences, but with so much to choose from, your skills would end up spread too thin to be any effective (I learn it the hard way). Luckily this game actually let you buy back already committed skill points and redistribute them again at your choosing.

The Bad

Like many games coming recent years, the publishers rush to them in the stores, TQ was one of these games. For me it was almost unplayable in the beginning, the game crashes every 30 minutes and sometimes I wouldn't even load up my profiles. Which resulted in some very nasty cursing by me. But thankfully the patch two weeks later fixed the problem. After the patch the game runs very well and has never crushed me for since. However I still this it was very irresponsible for the publishers release an unfinished game in the first place.

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems this game seems to have some skill balance issue. The game is seriously underpowered for the melee players and not much better for the range players. However, the game in comparison is extremely easy for casting players, and especially easy for pet players. For normal difficulty, I first played as an hunter specialty and by the mid game it was almost unplayable because I was not doing enough damage and the was constantly slaughter by the monsters, by then I had about already 25 game play hours. Then I just started a whole new game that focuses on the Earth plays and put all my skill in to the Core Dwellers (pet). I mean, no sh!t, the dwellers was so powerful, it completely owns the monsters and almost never drops below to 90% of its health, and this time unlike my range character, I never had to run away from the enemy. In the end, me and my pet finished the game at only 19 hours of game play with majority of the side quest done. Hopefully later patch can fix this issue

Like Diablo series, like all heck and slash games, the constant repetitive actions gets really boring really fast. But I guess this isn't really just one of TQ's problem since this is the problems suffered by all the similar genre.

Overall, this is a good game and has accomplish what it set out to do, which is the attempt to copy Diablo 2, and in the process it did offered some good features. Nevertheless in the end it’s really nothing revolutionary.