this deserves much higher than a 8.1. this is one of those you games that you go back to three years after you buy it.

User Rating: 9.5 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
Well first of all, this is by far the best multiplayer FPS on the PS2. The story might be a bit short, but it is very entertaining. The commentary in the arcade can be tiresome after awhile, but it's not to bad. Some of the weapons are a bit unrealistic, but hey, the whole thing is about time travel it's not going to stay too close to reality. There are also plenty of realistic guns too, so it pretty much evens out. The missions are entertaining, some can be tedious, but luckily you don't have to complete them. This game is best played with a friend. The story is fun enough, but you don't get the full strength of the game unless playing against your buddies. For FPS fans, this is a must have. Over all, it's just a well crafted game with a few quirks. This game will will give you great joy for quite some time.