Timsplitters Future Perfect Review For XBOX

User Rating: 9.5 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect XBOX
Timesplitters Future Perfect does what many games these days can't do. Have great multiplayer and a great story and still be humorous but without being too serious, It also is very original, again something that most FPS's cant't seem to do these days. You play as Sargeant Cortez who, in turn, has to go through time paradoxes to help his past,present, and future self from saving the world. It seems complicated but in the end ties very well with the story. I won't give away a whole lot but the series is worth playing especially if you are big into multiplayer. If that's the case, the Tiemsplitters: Future Perfect has got you covered. It has a wealth of modes to choose from, all of which are fun to play. From simple Deathmatch, to a more modest mode called Gladiator. The weapons in the game are fun and plentiful. Do you favor a classic gun like the double-barreled shotgun? or do you want a weapon thats more futuristic? Again, Timesplitters has you covered. You will start off hanging from a ciff during the opening where your squad will help brief you on the current situation. Admittedly, the opening does reminds players of Call of Duty to some degree. Timesplitters: Future Perfect does an amazing job of offering the player challenge but without being too tedious. Thanks to the checkpoint system created in-game, you won't have to worry about starting the entire level over if you die. However, if you end up low on health during a checkpoint, you will have the same amount of health next time you restart to that specific checkpoint. It can be very frustrating at times, but its nothing that is impossible to do. This was a great decision on the developers part. In the second game, you didn't even have any checkpoints at all!