Each game just gets better, theres potential to be on of the best if they keep going.

User Rating: 9.2 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
Simple put. Brilliant. The story is short but fun and lots of shooting and varity something TS2 lacked. The multi mode is where the game shines. Challenges are hard but make you a better player if you beat them honestly. online is great but could use some better maps. I found myself playing the damn to often. also more players for the ps2 online. 8 max. 16 max x-box. The guns are great and easy to find a mix you like or just set on random. The game is unequaled in char playability. with 150 chosseable chars I believe is more than any other FPS I believe. cept PD 64. Map maker is a game breaker but its great.

Making a TS 4 for ps3, and 360 could give potential for a block buster. With more room for a better map maker, and overall game.