IF you liked Perfect Dark and Goldeneye, Timesplitter is your game

User Rating: 9.5 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect GC
Timesplitter Future perfect is perfect. If you played the other Timesplitter games, then you know that the story is not the most importan thing in the world. As you know, you use characters from different time periods and complete different task. Battle agains machines, Aztec warriors, Zombies, etc.

However, for the first time in the series, The story is more elaborated, with cinemas and long (funny) dialogues. You will problably laugh sometimes.
You play as Cortez (from TS 2) and you must travel in time to stop the creation of the alien race called the Timesplitter. During your quest, you will recieve help from characters of different periods of time.

The game has Single and A FANTASTIC CO OP MODE (strange nowdays). You will be satissfied with the story and it is pretty funny to play with a friend.
Also the game has different challenges (fun).
Now, the soul of the game, the MULTIPLAYER. Even if the Gamecube version doesnt have Online, the OFFLINE is great, i mean, i think is better to play with friends that unknow people, it is more fun.
Well the options in the multiplayer are endless. You can play Deathmatches, Team Deathmatches, Assault (Team missions), capture the bag, Virus, Bag Tag , and many many more. You can play with four guys plus 12 bots.

Also the game has 150 different characters, which is great.

I recommend this game, if you liked Perfect Dark and Goldeneye, this game is for you