One of my favorite games of all time. Offers enough variety to play over and over again.

User Rating: 9.5 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
After purchasing the first timesplitters for around $4, I thought I would go ahead and see what the latest released one would be like. Right when I popped it in the PS2, I was surprised by the well designed presentations. The menu design was interesting. The first thing I did was launch the map maker that came with the game. The map maker had advanced quite a lot since the first one. You have to place triggers that will set off an action and that would be a part of the game logic. I have made tons of single player missions. Speaking of single player, I played through beginning half of the game with co-op. The Co-op feature is a blast, and I wish I could find co-op this interesting in the newer released games. There are tons of multi-player options as well. It is a very humorous game and every cut scene will keep you interested. This game will keep you occupied for a long time. If you have about $7usd laying around, I say pick this one up. This game was one of the best invested games I have purchased.