The Co-Op Experience We Were Looking For.. Perfect for all types of gamers.

User Rating: 9 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
So what if we're behind the times? This PS2 title is one of the best! My husband and I love to game together but I'm not as talented at shooters. Plus, we can't find ANY co-op games that don't require online play or the use of a second console, which is ridiculous.

So we picked up this title for its split screen co-op play. I was unsure. I thought I would lag behind and hurt the fun of my counterpart. Not so! The game is light hearted and tons of fun, with humor that makes you smile and interesting characters that draw you into the fun. It is easy to pick up and play by any gamer and though I'm still not the best, I managed to keep up with my guy! We still have tons of fun playing this game!

Though for an older console in our next-gen world, the graphics are cartoonish and pretty good, not distracting from the story or action at all.

The story is light but intriguing, the sequences exciting, different, all levels a contrast of the last. I especially liked the parts where (spoiler?) you ran into yourself and even help yourself out.

Any home co-opers, pick this one up, no matter what your tastes are. You'll be pleased!