Great game, great shooter, not as good as the second though

User Rating: 9.5 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
This game has a what seems to be a better story line, but some of the weapons looked a little cheesy. The level editor is just as good as the second and maybe even better. Some of the old levels in multiplayer are back such as Mexican Mission and Training Ground.
Graphics 9.5: Great visuals, but some of the gun effects seem weaker than the previous
Sound 10: Great soundtrack and even better sound quality than the second
Story 9: The story was great, but some of the characters seemed childish in some parts
Level Design 9.5: Great level design for both arcade and story play.
Character AI 9: The character select menu is both hilarious and
brilliant, story, however, the enemies are quite stupid
Re-playability is high most in factor of the arcade and arcade league

I would recommend this game to anyone who has played the previous installments or just want a good shooter to play for hours on end. If you don't have friends come over frequently, this game is for you.