Awesome game.....

User Rating: 10 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
I have always been a fan of the Timepslitters range and when i heard about another installment into the already widely successful series i was genuinely excited. I saw this game for less than half the regular price and i boought it on the spot. I first played the multiplayer because i was at a friends house and i was quite impressed at the number, of maps and in genera, multiplayer options the graphics were pretty good and i think the inclusion of blood, and lots f it, made this game a little bit more exciting and fun compared to the last two, although they were great too. The single player mode was even better and i thought the story line was well put together and variety of scenarios and maps made it better. The weapons are great and all the extra things and unlockables make this a great game and has something for everyone. A MUST BUY!