Future perfect is an excellent shooter with extremely addicting multiplayer, that will have you playing for many hours.

User Rating: 9 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
In the past years there have been great shooters. Among those shooters a great series develpoed and that series is Timespiltters. You remember Cortez and his badass game covers and of course you remeber the decent and great gameplay it offered. But now the newest edition to the series is definatly the best the series had to offer. Future perfect is almost close to perfect itself. But a at times corny story, and glicthes make this game not as good as it could of been. The multiplayer on the other hand is the higlight of this whole game. Back then there wasnt a MW2 or Killzone 2 online fun, there was simulated A.I. one player multiplayer macthes. And that onlne thrives in this game.

The gameplay is good, and offers solid ocntrols. You may want to edit the buttons yourself (i did), becuase you can feel more at home. I like this feeling because you dont have to play with default controls, you can choose whatever you want. The shooting is good, and the weapons are fun and exciting to shoot. Busting guys in the face with millions of rounds of ammo is great. Although the fact you always have ammo i dont like, theres no fighting challenge but stilll the mayhem and shooting up is fun as heck. The grenade throwing is bad and you feel really restrainted when throwing, needs way more work. The graphics look great and are everything you'd expect, there not trying to be realisic graphics, just arttistic and they pre-vail in the presentation of this finely crafted games.

The story is where it left off, time crystals are stolen and you have to get them back from the giant alien, ugly a** aliens that use them. But you travel through the 40',50's,60's,70's80's and of course waaaaay into the future. It can be corny at times, but mostly a great story.

The highlight of this game is definatly the multiplayer. Its just amazing and you must play it. The multiplayer is the reason i have clocked in 40+ hours of this game. Its not online but its a deathmacth, and capture the bag with 12 A.I. players and its just a great time.

All in all if you like shooters play this game, even if you dont give it a try.