this game is great but the worst thing is the enemies that they stop the time

User Rating: 7 | TimeShift (2007) PC
this game is great but the worst thing is the enemies that they stop the time and slow it and the limit that i have of slow or stop the time and the enemies does not have it so it makes the game harder and is graphics is good and the best in the game is the weapon hell-fire and the weapon of van helsing and that you can save in any where and time and the body of the dead enemies is very blood and they have no electronic intellagent the story is complicated not easy but if timeshift2 will be in the stories it must be better than timeshift1 and the game needs cheats for the time limit and an option that allow for me to see the game third person not first person and he is cannot sprint and the graphics like crysis very much and the weapons is boring and it must be like g.t.a that you can walk on the streets without mission and he cannot drive a tank