easy to kill the bad guys over and over

User Rating: 8 | TimeShift (2007) PC
i had fun reliving the hard parts cant wait till part 2 is released the game had plot but you did not find out till the end in which case pt2 will fill in the blanks to part one sorta like max payne the suit could use more features like longer time stop in puzzle mode and the graphics engine is awesome but more refinements in the plot over all i found the game very very good to play i just hope part two doesn't take so long too come out i mean the game came out in 2007 it will be five years in 2012 you would think that the story line wold have been written long ago and its the graphics engine that would be the hard part.the multi player aspect there was none i was saddend by this as the game spy program was not fuctional, no biggie as i like the campaine mode better now if folks would incorperate campane mode with multi player mode that wold be awsome