Maybe Not For Everyone, But A Good Fun For Die Hard FPS Gamers

User Rating: 7 | TimeShift X360
I always had my eye on this game, even well after its big release as I played the demo on Xbox Marketplace one evening. Time Shift, even though not exactly revolutionary it did remind me of F.E.A.R with its gameplay and graphics and I liked it. So one day I found it in a local second-hand game store, and I bought it for under £5 which wasn't a bad price to pay.

Immediately I found myself addicted to it, even for dated game and price it kept me playing. For its gameplay, its quite basic and simple but thats what makes it so fluid to play you are not shunted when you come to a complicated part of the game. The story and plot, do leave something to be imagined as its not the most original time traveling story to follow but its not meant to be. Its the gameplay, and the use of time manipulation in game that makes this such a good game.

As I played I found that the weapons at my disposal and equipment was quite varied, from your run of the mill pistol to a powerful energy cannon its effects when used were quite fun to watch. There are some interesting basic puzzles to pass, at some stages and your enemies are varied too, from your expected grunts to towering enemy walkers.

For its price, and of course ease of availability at the moment. You can find it at most game stores for under £10, I would recommend Time Shift to those needing or wishing to have a break from the current big titles like Medal of Honor. Time Shift like any fun FPS gives you that much needed break from online gaming. However, it may be best for those who enjoy FPS games as its not anything new to us.

You have to take it with the idea that its a cheap play and a few hours on something you've not tried before.
So to sum up;

The Good:

- Good graphics that remind you of F.E.A.R. even if a bit better.
- Good solid gameplay, again reminding you of Sierra games in the past.
- Good varied selection of weapons at hand, and enemies to battle.
- Easily worth under £10, as it gives you a long time of gameplay to enjoy.

The Bad:

- Nothing really new here, so don't get your hopes up other than for a fun new game to enjoy for a while.
- Graphics are now really outdated.
- No multiplayer anymore online, you have just single player to enjoy.

If you can look past a few bugs and glitches that come with most games, and just look to enjoy a few hours with a different game you shouldn't be disappointed for quite a cheap price.