A decent game, which could have easily been a great game if it weren't for some core storytelling flaws.

User Rating: 6.5 | TimeShift (2007) PC
This is a satisfying game with a potentially good story, and a bit more time and polish could have made this a classic. I think the blame would fall on the delays and switches in developers, all of which might made the original focus and idea for the game lost.

You can catch glimpses of a plot through very short cutscenes, which do make sense, but are not drawn out enough to give the player much of an emotional bond to the characters in the game. This is the game's biggest flaw.

As for gameplay, well it starts out very slow. It will start to pick up after the first couple hours, and the fun weapons are what make this aspect really shine. There is a pistol which shoots incendiary bullets, and as an alt-fire acts as a close combat flamethrower. There is a standard rocket launcher, a smg with a grenade launcher attachment, some sort of energy burst rifle, and an overpowered inceniary crossbow, among others. The weapons are fun to use, which is the main thing that saves this game from total failure. The game lasts a total of around 8 hours.

The time-travel suit is basically the same as bullet-time in the matrix, and reflex time in FEAR. The only difference is that if you get stuck with a sticky grenade, the suit will reverse time instead of slowing it down. And if you need to walk on water or walk through flames, the suit will automatically pause time instead of slowing time. But these other functions are mainly used as gimmicks to get through lame puzzles, so you can think of the suit as a crutch to make the shooting a bit easier.