User Rating: 8.8 | Timeline (2000) PC
Viewed in a vacuum, as many gamers obviously do, this game is short and simplistic. If you would invest the time to read the back-story (yes, this would involve actual reading of something that's not a game review) by reading Michael Crichton's novel of the same name, the game is a lot of fun. The novel is a great deal more exciting than about half of all the computer games reviewed on this site, so that's really not such a bad proposition. I found one jumping puzzle to be a boring waste of time, just because the control is imprecise, but you can save anywhere so you don't have to start at the beginning of some long sequence to take another shot at it. There are also several tour sequences that actually are very educational, but in the guise of game background they aren't offensive. I know some gamers will be playing Madden 2024 before they will actually read a novel, but you have no idea what you're missing. Buy this game, check the book out from a library. You will be glad you did.