Can't stop playing it

User Rating: 8.8 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 XBOX
When I first bought this game a year ago I had some extra money and thought what the heck. Now it is my most played game I own. This has high replay value. With TW 2005 being online that will be even better. I ilike the feel of the game. Although I find it a bit easy to stomp the cpu I still enjoy it. I Can't wait for TW 2005 for the online play. Online would send this game into the high 9's. The only real competitor to this game is Links 2004. That is also a good game and much harder but TW is just a lot more fun to play. On top of it is PGA Tour endorsed so you get all the stuff from the tour on there. Besides it's regular PGA Tour you can play a world tour, win medals, play real time events, etc. Just to play through one season takes a long time. I can start playing this time and 6 hours can flky by like nothing. This game actually got me started watching golf. heck it even got me out on the driving range. I always thought that golf was stupid but now I see it in a whole new light. Since TW 2005 is coming out real soon you can pick this game up for $20 to $30. It is still worth it unless you want to pay $50 for the new game. This is also fun to play with friends. That is where the real challenge comes in.