Best golf game, currently.

User Rating: 8 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 PS3
This is the best golfing game that is currently for sale. I play this all the time with my dad and uncle and even they like it. It is a good game but there are a few things that aren't the best. The graphix aren't very good,they don't have much definition and they also isn't much texture. This isn't very important but the body movements of the players are kind of weird and unrealistic. The gameplay is fun especially with a few people. The game does have a good feature so that it allows you to play with four people no matter how many controllers you have, though the controller assignment interface is very confusing. The on screen, in game interface is also a bit confusing. Decyfering what club you are using,how far that club will hit, where the hole is,and how far to the hole can also be a challenge,but hitting the O button will straighten you out by showing an estimate of where your ball will go if you hit it with a hundred percent with that club so it is a bit forgiving. Overall this a is a great game although it has crappy graphix and bad interface,it does make up t=for most of these problems with fun gameplay and strong multiplayer, not to mention there really isn't much other choice for golfing games. I would go for this one.