An easy play after a hard night on the drink!

User Rating: 8 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 X360
My house mate bought this game as iv never really liked the whole golf thing and I have to say its really fun and a good laugh.
Only played the single player a few times, its really easy to pick up if you follow the instructors guides and do the separate challenges to better yourself. The game it self is really good specially if your a diehard golf fan only real problem I found is its not very addictive, I found myself skipping a few rounds as it just gets repetative and not very challenging.
The graphics are pretty good I like how you can hit the crowd and seeing there reactions.
Online - Amazing!! I dont really play with random people online as a full round of golf with a total stranger can get a little boring but playing with people you know is a real laugh specially when you put real wagers on. Best thing about the online is you can play at your own pace and no one has to wait for the others to take there shot all can be done at the same time.
Theres so much to say about the game so many different functions and extras to go into I could talk about it all day! I recomend you rent it first to get a good feel.