Putting is broken, driving not much better

User Rating: 5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 All-Play WII
Whilst the package itself (in terms of number of courses, options, and online play) is excellent, this game was always going to live or die by the motion controls.

EA's claim of 1:1 swing mapping is an outrageous lie (obviously from the school of thought "if you are going to tell a lie, tell a big one") and its not something that won't become obvious after 5 minutes, so why bother? Much better for them to have said "well its nearly there and we look forward to using the new motion control technology to bring you 1:1 NEXT year.

Driving kinda works - but the devil is in the detail. If you want to deliver a 92% power shot onto the green on other versions, you can (with a bit of skill and practice). On the wii however its not as easy, and you are left with 3 basic options: wack it at full power, move a bit slower from about 70 degrees, or give it a little nudge from about 30 degrees. None of these, apart from possibly the first, is anything remotely like you would swing a club.

Putting is....interesting. You hit the ball at 100% power regardless of how far you wish the ball to travel. And just in case you think I am praising this innovative idea - I'm not. It sucks. And if you thought driving was hard to hit precisely, wait until you get to the green. Holding the remote at 90 degrees for a 100% hit, you slowly lower the angle as you want to hit at about 85% power. The power meter doesn't respond, staying firmly at 100%. You lower the club a bit more - still nothing. 45 degrees - nada. 30% - power bar shoots down, so you raise it up a bit, and bang! back up to 100%. Completely and utterly broken.

Apart from that it looks quite nice, with (I think) a total of 13 courses including 5 new ones. Thats a lot of holes of golf to play, so its a real shame that the controls make it a farce rather than a pleasure.

Golf on the wii shouldn't be difficult to implement, but so far nothing has touched the golf on wii sports. Now if that was released as a stand alone title with 13 courses and improved drive controls (no waggle bar for over hitting a shot for starters)............