Games, control, sound, and feel are totally awesome.......BUT......the graphics totally blow. Very disapointed.

User Rating: 8.1 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 PC
Although I love the new games, control options and overall feel TW07 has, I am very disappointed in the graphics. TW07 is the Madden of golf games and it seems like EA doesn't care about the TW franchise. The control options are great, but with an optic mouse or a gamepad can be very frustrating. The menus and character building are still there but I think TW 05 or TW06 covered it best. Still very satisfying. The graphics are the worst I've seen in any computer game I've played in the last 2 years. The childerens/learning games my 5 year old daughter plays have better graphics. The trees have no realism, they don't sway or move with the wind, and the buildings hardly have any texture. Cartpaths appear to just be a strip of grey color across the course. I love this game and this franchise, but every round I play I get depressed from the lack of effort put into the appearance and overall graphics on the courses. By the way, there are many bugs, but mostly in online play. The bugs are minor and other than online play you don't see them too often. EA please don't give up on tthis game or the TW customers. TW08 must have next-gen graphics, if not I will have to give-up on one of my favorite games ever.