While Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 is pretty looking, it is pretty much lacking all the features you've come to expect .

User Rating: 7.2 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 X360
The Tiger Woods series of golf games has always managed to provide a fun and attractive portrayal of the sport. I've loved the previous versions on the original Xbox and when I saw the updated graphics for the Xbox 360 version I was instantly excited.

Upon popping in the game, my first impressions were very good. The graphics were sharp and the game was a little tougher than previous versions -- a good thing.

However, as I began to explore the game's features, I started to get the impression that EA didn't invest a lot of time on this one. For example, there are relatively few one-on-one matchups with real golfers, and there are no fun, make-believe characters to compete against and unlock -- a staple feature of previous Tiger Wood's games. Furthermore, I noticed that the selection of courses available to play was pretty sparse. It feels like EA was in such a hurry to get the game out that they decided to leave out all the bells and whistles.

You can't even play cooperatively with a friend in a tournament during your PGA season, which was a fun feature from previous versions. Unlockable items, clubs and other paraphernalia.

However, online play is pretty fun. I give EA credit for at least creating a functional and competitive online experience. However, the game-breakers simply have to go.

Some eople have modified their characters so that they can generate a game breaker (move that ultimately guarantees you a hole-in-one or eagle) after every couple holes, providing a drastically unfair experience.

Overall, if you love golf games you will probably still enjoy Tiger Woods. But if you're just now entering the Xbox 360 scene, wait till the new Tiger '07 comes out in October. I have the feeling it is going to be much better.