A great game, even for golf-haters

User Rating: 8.3 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 PC
I do not play golf, or waste time watching it on TV. As an owner of an Xbox and a PC, I do recognize the quality of the Tiger Woods series. I've bought it a couple of times before. Between the eye candy and the ease of gameplay with just a mouse, Tiger Woods 06 is a game you must have. If you are a golf fan, don't buy this game expecting every course and every major name on the tour. Casual fans and gamers will be satisfied with what EA has included. It looks great on my PC (Dell Dimension 8300, 3.2 GHz Pentium 4, GeForce 5700LE, 2 gig of RAM). This is the second year-old EA game I've picked up CHEAP at Target. (NHL06 was the other) Why buy the new version for full price if I can't be sure if my aging PC can handle it?