Absolutely perfect

User Rating: 8.8 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 X360
I love this game and I had it for my original XBOX which is practically forcing me to go this one. This game is great, on the 360 it's even better with improved graphics and out of this world scenery. The achievements however are so incredibly hard it would probably take a year or two to even come close to achieving 1000GS on this. The charcter cusomization area is incredibly immersive and you may find yourself spending well over an hour or two just picking out the right look for your player. I don't really understand why everyone says that the putting system is wierd, I play 05 and found this system a million times better because of how it has the real time slope perceptions and everything to go along with it. You need to buy this game if you play golf, just get ready to hive some seious fun.