This game started my love of pc gaming,

User Rating: 8.9 | Thief: The Dark Project PC
Sitting up late one night , many years ago I downloaded the demo Thief the dark project, and spent the next several days engrossed in it , this game hooked me and the developers were brilliant in the scheme of it, game play and originality, to say the least.

The game has a great storyline and the gameplay is unreal for the time , very advanced shading and effects , shadowing and texture but for the technology and cpu speeds I think it was Direct X 6 I'm not sure , I think at the time I was running a Voodoo 4 or 5 card it ran great , what got me into the game was the incredible sound quality , the character voices and ambient sounds , were better than any game i'd ever played at the time , and the cut scenes were engrossing , to say the least. Garrett's journey and his abilities , like the rope arrow , that was just cool, and the level of the Hammerite Temple with the living dead, very spooky , loved it.