Impressive, this first person stealth game really did pull it off.

User Rating: 8.6 | Thief: The Dark Project PC
40% Action 10% Adventure 50% Stealth

Alright I have a bone to pick with this game. I like the game for the first like 7 levels, good idea to keep the killing down to some degree but they went too far. I like getting things out of my way. So on easy you can pretty much kill all you want, this made it nice to sneak around and take people out one at a time (I really like the bow). After level 7 though they put zombies in it (ok so they introduced them earlier but not to this extent) You can kill zombies but only with Holy Water, which lasts for 30sec and you need to use your water arrows. This is annoying because then you need to save Holy Water so you end up running from the zombies for the most part. They also had flying balls of fire these, though unusual, are not that bad because water arrows take them out in one hit.

The NPCs, including the flaming balls, are smart in this game; in that they take note of dead bodies on the ground, unusual noise and blood stains. I even ran into someone noticing when one of there friends vanished (because of me of course). Oh did I forget to mention the balls are also intelligent.

I found this to be a great game when I can kill things. Even having not finished it because of the zombies I still think it was worth the $10.