Absolutely Brilliant, having the benefit of hindsight,it could have been slightly better,still perfect game for its time

User Rating: 10 | Thief: Deadly Shadows PC
I remember loving this game while playing it. It was a few years ago and still it sticks in my mind and I can only hope that Assassin's Creed shall be similar to it.

Having the benefit of hindsight, the game could have been less linear and had more paths, such as climbing and jumping through the rooftops. The worlds could have been larger with more options but considering when this game was made, no game had such freedom. I think even far cry came after it , and far cry in my opinion started the large game non-linearity revolution, so I cannot possibly be too hard on this game. All in all, I wish it were more like medival GTA, but that's no reason to reduce a mark to such an extraordinary game.

I can only hope improvements are made and more such games are made in the future. The AI would not be considered outdated, as well as some most of graphics but still the game would still be very enjoyable, and bearing in mind when it was made, I shall give it a status of an absolute legend on my list.

My marking system is as follows:

10 - Absolute Legend
9 - Must Be Played
8 - Excellent and Worth Your Time
7 - Worth playing if you have nothing else to play
6 - worh playing if you have nothing to play and are incredbly bored and have not got absolutely anything else to do. (Barely playable/enjoyable).

I don't give marks 1-5 as if a game starts sucking I don't finish it, so I only review the games that are barely playable (6) to the absolutely amazingly incredible ones (10)

I will also probably keep my reviews short as I don't like discovering too much about the gameplay. I only like to give my quick opinion and get on with life.

Best Wishes to everyone
