If you liked Sim Theme Park on PC this is the hand held game for you. My favorite PC to console game yet.

User Rating: 9.3 | Theme Park DS
This game is just plain fun. The graphics aren't awesome, but hey its a cartoon pseudo 3D game. The soundtrack is ok, not great, almost lame. Sometimes the game seems like you are getting nowhere, and thats usually a sign to change things up. Otherwise I am pleased with this game. Simple, fun, but not too easy. The customization of this game is well done. Although sitting furniture like chairs or tables don't appear in the game. And your guests will complain about walking too much. That can be annoying to some players. Everything runs smooth and works well. Menus are well laid out and easy to access using the touch screen. Characters are easy to touch and assess their situation, pay, and path of cleaning/working. And setting paths, rail, track and what not are pretty easy to set. Overall I have logged in hours enjoying micromanaging my people in the theme park. This game is great for hardcore gamers and non hardcore gamers. I wouldn't suggest buying this as your first game though. It might become frustrating if you have never played this type of game before.