Its 2009 and nothing comes close to it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Theme Hospital PC
Manager game genre is easily the most diverse.You can be god, mayor, school principle, king of pirates even a prison warden. In this game you are a hospital manager. Whats a better cause!

This game still rocks (created in 1997), I am playing it on my PS3 (I just got) and its actually stealing time away from KillZone2.

The Good:
- Very Funny in obvious and subtle ways. Bloaty Head treatment is done by blowing up the patient head and re-infalting it to the normal size. Disease causes are funny. One time I did not have surgeons and a patient was waiting, the announcer actually called for "Doctor Joe to the Operating Theater".
- The game's pace is just right. Levels do not take too long and you will find a new thing to explore in the right time.
- The challange in the game is to get things just right.
- Diversity of problems (staff, equipment, research and patients) that will keep you busy. Its not until 5 minutes before you reach the level's goal (usually reputation, hospital value, money in account) that you actually get relaxed.

The Bad:
- Bad staff AI leads to annoying type of micromanagement. (you need to always check around the staff room for wandering doctors).
- The announcer is very helpful but, due to the bad staff AI, you will feel its ringing in your head.
- Its very difficult to lose once you gasp the basics. But a few wrong decisions will lead to spending an extended time to complete a level. I mean really extended.
- A few glitches and design anomalies make the game inconsistent in difficulty. (Temperature is nearly impossible to get right, and if things get too crowded, save,load and your hospital will be emptied for you).

I can't describe how much I enjoy this game. Its strange that its formula was never re-done (Hospital Tycoon sucks).