Is this a wargame?

User Rating: 4.4 | Theatre of War PC
Despite people claiming this to be the most realistic WW2 RTS out there its not. Infantry cant enter buildings. no smoke for cover, well not really any cover at all since trees and shrubs do not block line of site. this feels much more like an updated version of, yes im gunna say it, GI Combat. Game feels sluggish and arcade like. maybe it has started a new genre. its a realistic arcade game. anyways dont buy if you looking for realistic and fun warfare. Gameplay: hardly playable. doesnt feel like you have any control.

Graphics. Graphics are generally good. Tank look very good. Infantry on the other hand are ugly.

Sound: sound is just ok. no better then CC2 many years ago.

Authenticity: i guess you could say its authentic. has ww2 tanks and infantry. if you forget about the soldiers firing the M1 Garands and SVTs like they are bolt-action rifles.

Maps: this is one of the worst parts about the game. the maos are all the same. assault this trench and that trench and this trench. and they are all square bloack of trees and shrub with the occational town. and the buildings all look like russian buildings even in france.