Very dry and user unfriendly game. Grows on You.

User Rating: 7.5 | Theatre of War PC
The game is very user unfriendly and is very difficult to get used to if you are a regular RTS gamer. Its controls are very different from the traditional strategy game and I especially found controlling the camera around very irritating. After hours of playing you still don't get used to it. Playing the game overall is very uninteresting. Being a WWII game, there's no overall blitz in the game- with not even one cinematic in the game too. It's too dry and bland.

The graphics were pretty average compared to modern games but with some great unit animations. The game is designed in very much detail which is awesome for a WWII game but all the elements of the game are hampered by its "sucky" controls. Just a proper good control system of the game- especially the camera controls, would make it much better. I mean who uses the num pad for camera control? The AI is really bad- I leave a tank standing in the middle of enemy troops and it won't fire until I direct it to fire.
At first I thought it'd be a really bad game but is quite fun when played for a longer time.