Its a Wonderful Game.....

User Rating: 9.5 | Subarashiki Kono Sekai: It's A Wonderful World DS
The Good:
Awsome music, great graphics, has a unique battle system that is executed very well, good amount of replay value, cool characters, a great storyline that keeps you guessing at every turn.

The Bad:
A little too liniar until you beat the game, you will only be using a handful of badges throughout the entire game.

Its a Wonderful World (or Subarashiki Kono Sekai) is a action RPG for the Nintendo DS. It is a great game that will draw you in to playing for hours with its unique combat system, great music, and a storyline that will jeep you guessing at every turn. Its a Wonderful World takes place in modern day Shibuya, a part of Tokyo an is about a 15 year-old boy names Neku who suddenly wakes up in the middle of a cross-walk without any memory of why he was there or how he got there. He will soon start to see people around him dissapear and weird monsters start to attack him. He than meets a girl named Shiki and she says he has to become parterners with him if he didn't want to disappear. Not knowing what was going on, Neku does what he told her to. He soon starts to be able to use abilities known as "phychics" though certain badges.

In this game you will go into battle with a "Noise" which is a black monster like thing, usually in the shape or form of an animal. During a battle, Neku will be on the bottom screen and your partner at that point will be on the top screen. You will controll Neku with the stylus and your partner with the D-pad or ABXY buttons. This may sound complicaded but it actually works like a charm. Neku will use his badges to attack the enemies. Each badge has a certain way of working such as touching, slashing, rubbing, and circling your target with the stylus. There are also badges wich involve blowing or yelling into the mic. Although thoughout the game you will only be using a handful of badges anyway because the badge balancing wasn't done very well. Your partner on the top screen will be sort of a combo fighting. You can't move your partner instead you use the D-pad (or ABXY buttons) to attack in the direction you want them to. Now if this sounds like a chore, if you don't press anything for a while your partner will go on auto and you can focus more on fighting with Neku. The top screen and botom screen share the same enemies so using both Neku and his Partner wisely will give you a huge advantage during a battle. This game isn't very difficult but if you want a challenge you can switch it up to hard mode in which your enemies do more damage and you do less. On the other hand if you are stuck on a strong boss you can swich the difficulty level down to easy which increases the damage you do and halfs the damages the enemies do. The difficulty level can be changed anytime other than cutsceens and druing battle so you can adjust the level to your likings.

The game moves forward in a day-to-day format in wich you have a certain "assingment" you must do to prevent from dissapearing. This makes the gameplay somewhat liniar but the great pacing within the game will make up for it. Like I said before, the story in this game is great. It is brilliantly written with great diologue between the nicley developed characters. A great thing about the characters is that they are very human (even the non-human characters) and they all have personallities you can relate to your self in some way.

Now the soundtrack in the game is absolutly awsome. It features a techno style music simular to that of the Jet Set Radio series, which works in perfectly with the theme of the game. The game also features a fun minigame known as Marble Slash, in which you fling your marble with the stylus at your opponents trying to knock them off the area.

Overall, Its a Wonderful World is a great expiriance that streams with originallity and creative game design. If you have a DS, can read Japanese, and like a good RPG on the go, this game is for you. Check it out!