I found it hard to stay interested at the start, the end was worth playing it though.

User Rating: 8 | The Witcher: Enhanced Edition PC
The Witcher tells the story of Geralt of Rivia. The year is around 1270, and the setting is hinted around European areas. As Geralt, you are a Witcher. A Witcher is a monster slayer, or more accurately a human that underwent a mutation style process to become a Witcher. Whichers have superpowers that help them slay fiends such as signs(magic) impressive swordsmanship, and the power of Alchemy for potions, oils for weapons, and bombs.

The story beings with Geralt having amnesia which honestly seems like a way for the devs to get the players into the story. I do not know if the story starts off like that in the books because I have not read them, nevertheless, amnesia seems like a weak start. It is never really touched upon throughout the story, just mentioned briefly.

As the game begins you are introduced to the games mechanics in a "tutorial" like start.

The combat seemed lacking and at times, frustrating. You have a steel sword for humans, and a silver sword for everything else. Each sword has 3 distinct styles: Strong for slow stronger hits, Fast for hitting agile enemies, and group, for area attacks. Sometimes you cannot hit swift enemies with strong, and fast does low damage to slow. Factor in toward the middle and end of the game there is fights with both humans and monsters and you find yourself switching between weapons and styles almost too much.

Another annoying part is monster CC(crowd control) effects. Over half my deaths was from fighting 2+ enemies at once and getting inflicted with a constant knockdown/stun effect and being beat to death.

The game has no reliable health recovery system, but I didnt have too many issues. You can drink potions for effects like HP restore, CC immunity, ect, the problem is you have a "Toxicity" level and can only drink a few potions before you die anyways.

The game is split up into about 5 chapters. I say about because there is a prologue and a epilogue. I almost quit the game around chapter 2 and 3 just because you are nothing more than a errand boy. Its really bad. The game and story does pick up toward the end, and the game translates beautifully into the sequel.

Overall, I did find the game clunky but a amazing title considering its CDProjekts first title. The story is what this game is all about. If you can manage to live through the boring first parts you will be treated to a rich, involving story.