Over rated

User Rating: 7 | The Witcher: Enhanced Edition PC
Wow - how can this game be so over rated? makes no sense to me at all, with all the great RPGs to compare it to, it just does not stand up against the best RPGs in any area.

I haven't played this game for that long, because i'm just not impressed with it at all - maybe 10 -15 hours.

First rant is about the characters in the game, many of the in game characters you come across are identical and I mean identical, they just have a different name, not only that but they have exactly the same voices,
I went in one house talked to a women who said she would give me a tulip if I got her some flowers, then I left that house and went in the house next door, there was an identical women in this house too and she said exactly the same thing????????????????
Every house I have been in so far is basically identical as well, with only minor differences, the basements of most houses are so similar, its just boring, usually just a couple of barrels, the same as the last house.
All the realism is gradually slipping away.
Next the combat system, well there isn't one really, don't believe any reviews that say it's great because it isn't unless you like to just click the mouse over and over and over as your character does the same thing over and over, with a sword, and your character only uses a sword.
I hate the character improvement screen, it's way to simple, I never felt like I was creating a unique character at any point, well, you can't, my character is just the same as everyone else's character that plays the witcher.
That for me is a massive negative when it comes to a role playing game, I want to play as my character, mine, not one that;s all ready layed out for me with no way to uniquely change him/her.

Good points? well the graphics are good, but who cares about that cause graphics are good in every game these days.

Play Dragon age origins instead, or morrowind, oblivion, diablo 2, divine divinity, sacred, the list goes on there are many rpgs much better than this game.

Rant over, thanks